menage - meaning and definition. What is menage
Online Dictionary

What (who) is menage - definition

Menage; Tenue de soiree; Tenue de Soirée; Tenue de Soiree; Ménage

also menage
A menage is a group of people living together in one house. (FORMAL)
N-SING: usu with supp
¦ noun the members of a household.
ME: from OFr. menage, from mainer 'to stay', influenced by OFr. mesnie 'household', both ult. based on L. manere 'remain'.
see menage


Tenue de soirée

Tenue de soirée (also titled Ménage) is a 1986 French comedy-drama film directed by Bertrand Blier. It was entered into the 1986 Cannes Film Festival where Michel Blanc won the award for Best Actor.

Pronunciation examples for menage
1. meeting in this field was in 2001. The field is really a ménage a trois, that's represented
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Examples of use of menage
1. Menage–a–trois In an editorial entitled "Plastering over", Liberation lashed out÷" In the menage–a–trois that is now ruling the country, Nicolas Sarkozy is the one wearing the pants.
2. His disastrous marriage and jaw–dropping menage–a–trois with Lady Hamilton and her husband had shocked society.
3. Number 20 is where Gertrude Stein spent a winter with her brother Leo in 1'02, recovering from an unhappy lesbian menage a trois.
4. When it came to ultimate male fantasies, a menage–a–trois topped the list, followed by sex with a celebrity and a woman wearing "outrageous" lingerie.
5. Billie Piper, middle, shot this steamy menage a trois scene as part of her role in the ITV2 series The Secret Diary of a Call–Girl Read more...